
影音天地2年前 (2022)发布 汝不湘君
45 0 0

导演: 熊泽尚人

编剧: まなべゆきこ

主演: 中岛健人 / 芳根京子 / 石井杏奈 / 宽1郎 / 荒川良良 / 年夜塚宁宁 / 祸山康仄

范例: 剧情

造片国度/天区: 日本

言语: 日语

上映日期: 2017-07⑵2(日本)

片少: 119分钟

别名: 心欲吸喊 / 好念年夜聲說出心底的話(台) / The Anthem of the Heart

IMDb链接: tt6738046



成濑逆(芳根京子 饰)已经具有1个幸运的家庭,但是果为她无意的1句话,爸爸妈妈离了婚。遭到了伟大的挨击,成濑逆今后将本人的心田松松的启闭了起去,不再乐意战任何人道任何1句话。从小到年夜,成濑逆正在班级里皆属于同类,正在降上了下中后,她不测的被班主任录用成为“天域相同交换会”的真止委员。1个没法道出话语的孩子,要如何担当那项重担呢? 战成濑逆1起被录用的,借有果为身材受伤而抛却了甲子园幻想的棒球部主将田崎年夜树、固然活跃心爱但却老是遭到情感成绩困扰的推推队员仁藤菜月和对死活毫无等候的兴柴少年坂上拓真。

Takumi is on his class' community outreach group. His teacher assigns more students to the group including a student who, due to a mishap, has foregone speaking. The class has to perform a musical, but volunteers brave enough to perform are hard to come by. The reluctance slowly begins to wash away when the aforementioned girl makes an effort to perform. As the day of the performance approaches will the students be able to overcome their reluctance and go for it?



资本:百度网盘 提与码:9he1

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